Monday, 20 August 2012

Secovlje Salina Nature Park

Slovenia Post has issued the single stamp set features their nature park, Secovlje Salina National Park on November 25, 2011. The stamp shows a salt harvester in modern clothing with a traditional salt-harvesting tool called a “gavero” in Slovene.

Secovlje Salina National Park is a preserved of the unique salt-making landscape of 650 ha area in Slovenia. The harmony of man and nature is presented in this area and marked by the centuries-old method of harvesting salt. In the past 700 years, the only thing that has changed in the Secovlje salina is the salt makers clothing, which depicted in the image on stamp.

Salt is produced in the traditional manner at the northernmost salt works in the Mediterranean, using classical salt-making techniques and tools with  result  the wonderful taste and exceptional qualities .

Man’s prudent and relaxed mediation with the nature in the area of the Secovlje Salina has created and preserved conditions for diverse flora and fauna; such as egret, rare and endangered tern fly above the Medieval houses of the salt harvesters and the salt pans, and the brackish water is home of brine shrimp, a type of plankton specially adapted to the salty environment, and the Mediterranean killfish, while stands of halophytic plants which are found rarely in other parts of Slovenia grow on the banks. Therefore Secovlje Salina is now protected as nature park and the area around the Museum of Salt making is a national cultural monument. (Source: Bulletin of Slovenia Post, Andrej Sovinc)

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